понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.


The week before last I have started reading a book of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "A Scandal in Bohemia". In this book are 6 stories about Sherlock Holmes. Well I have summaries of two first stories.

"A Scandal in Bohemia"
One day to Sherlock Holmes came the King of Bohemia and asked him to find one photograph, where he was with Irene Adler, because this woman wants to use the phograph to stop the marriage of this King. Next day Holmes watched to Irene Adler and casually has become the witness in her and Godfrey Norton's marriage. When Holmes was at home, he told to Watson, what will he do to help Holmes. When Holmes was in Irene Adler's sitting room, Watson trew the smoke bomb into the room and shouted "Fire!". So, Holmes finded out, where the photograph is, because woman tried to save her most important things. Next day Holmes, Watson and King of Bohemia went to irene Adler's house, but woman has alrady left the country with her houseband, taken the photograph and left letter toSherlock Holmes, where she said, that she will not do nothing with this photograph.
So, Irene Adler was the only one person, who ever beat Sherlock Holmes.

"The Red-Headed League"
To Sherlock Holes has come a fat man with bright red hair, his name was Mr Wilson.
He has a shop in Coburg Square and young man, Vinsent Spaulding, works for him.One day Spaulding came to Mr Wilson and showed him a newspaper, where was written: "The Red-Headede League. There is now a free place in the League for a man who wants to earn four pounds a week. Only healthy man with brigth red hair can join. So Mr Wilson decided to go to the adress and Spaulding came with him. When they came into office, small man looked at Mr Wilson, checked his hair, said that he can join the Red-Headed League and asked when he can start work. Vincent Spaulding offered look after Wilson's shop. So, Mr Wilson started work there and his work continued for eight weeks, but this morning he went to the office and the door was shut, only note was on it: "The Red- Headed League has closed".
Holmes promised Mr Wilson to help in his trouble. Then he was thinking about an hour and then he went with Watson for a walk. Holmes said that there is going to be a crime and he needs Watson's help.
Later that evening Watson went again to Baker Street. At ten o'clock Holmes, Watson, Inspector Lestrade and Mt Merryweather went to the Coburg Sqare and then to the City Bank, where works Mr Merryweather. In bank they started wait thieves, about them said Holmes. When thieves came, policemen catch them.
This thieves thougth of the Red-Headed League, because they wanted Mr Wilson to leave the shop, one of them, Spaulding, which real name is John Clay, spent a lot of time in the room below the shop underground and was digging towards another building.This building was the City bank. John Clay was going to get thirty thousabd pounds from bank, but Sherlock Holmes stopped him.

Sherlock Holmes picture

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