четверг, 3 февраля 2011 г.


Answer this qestions:

  1. What does the body use fat for?
  2. How many calories needs the average woman a day?
  3. What does include a good breakfast?Describe using the picture.
  4. What does the fish contain?
  5. When did people in China begin to drink tea?
  6. How useful is lemon?Watch the video. 

3 комментария:

  1. 1.The body uses fat for to build nerve tissue (like the brain) and hormones. The body also uses fat as fuel.
    2.The average woman needs 2,000 calories a day.
    3.Flakes, a cup of milk, one fruit and two roll.

  2. 4.Fish contain many vitamins and minerals.
    5.By about 3000 BC (or it could be much earlier), people in China had begun to drink tea.
    6.Lemon combats cacner, protects your heart, controls blood pressure, smoothes skin.

  3. Thank you Jana, you answered all qestions right!Congratulations!
