четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

Physical Activity Can Boost Kids’ Brains

  1. How does physical exersise help to think?
  2. What helps to grow new brain sells?
  3. What do researhes say about active kids who do exersises?
  4. How much time do you need to exercise a day to be better in math, reading and spelling?
  5. Why are the right foods usefull for the brain work?
  6. Which food exactlly is the best for the brain?
  7. Are the kids who are not getting enough sleep as sucsessful as kids with a good sleep?

четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

Sayings about jobs and professions.

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”

"The best augury of a man's success in his profession is that he thinks it the finest in the world."- George Eliot

“All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.”

"Every body’s business is nobody’s business."

"Professionalism: It's not the job you do, It's how you do the job."

среда, 14 сентября 2011 г.

Description of the profession

A guide is a person who conducts travellers and tourists through a place of interest. The guide is hired by tour and travel guide companies, cruise lines and hotels to share an area's history, important events and other topics of interest. The guide must have the higher liberal education.Also he have to know many languages, have knowlege of history, literature, geography, music, painting, architecture and psyhology. In the guide are valued traits of character such as sociability, ability to work with the audience, artistry. The guide must have clear and literate speech, as well.
Museums, theme parks and nature attractions are just a few of the venues that require a tour guide. There are many other venues.
This profession is relativly young, but very popular. The need for tour guides has been on the rise in the past decade.


понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

School lunch

I want to show you our school luch for Monday.

Contents: schnitzel with rice, tomato sauce, bread, tea.

суббота, 30 апреля 2011 г.

Household jobs.

Which jobs:
  •  do you hate doing?
  •  don't you mind doing?
  •  really get on your nerves

  • I hate scrubbing floor and emptying the rubbish.
  • I don't mind sweeping the floor, making bed and go shopping.
  • Wiping the dust really gets on my nervs.

среда, 6 апреля 2011 г.

Telling stories.

Always ready for help.

One evening Sam and Mark were getting back home from work. It was very dark and there was no lights on the street. Suddenly they heared a woman's cry from somewhere and decided to ran there and find out about what was happened.
When they arrived there, they saw a scared woman standing alone and two men who were running to the end of the street with woman's bag. The woman was very frightened and she didn't know what to do. Mark and Sam didn't confuse and started to overtake those men. Fortunatly, the woman's mobile phone was in her jeans pocket, so she could call the police.
Some time later Sam and Mark stopped bad men, but these men were angry and started to fight. However, Mark and Sam were srtonger and soon came police and took thieves to the prison.
Woman was very glad, because in her bag was a lot of important things, and the police were also glad, because they finally caught these gangsters. They thanked Mark and Sam for help and admired their bravery.

четверг, 3 марта 2011 г.


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "The Boscombe Lake Mystery"

  1. Where did the murder happen?
  2. Why did Miss Turner want Holmes to help James McCarthy?
  3. What was Holmes doing, when they were on Boscombe Lake?
  4. How much time did Holmes solve the mystery?
  5. Why Mr Turner is important person in this story?
  6. What's the role of Australia in this story?
  7. Who really killed Mr McCarthy?
  8. What did Mr McCarthy want from his son?
  9. Did Inspector Lestrade do somthing to find out about murderer?Why?
  10. How did Watson help Holmes?

понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.


The week before last I have started reading a book of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "A Scandal in Bohemia". In this book are 6 stories about Sherlock Holmes. Well I have summaries of two first stories.

"A Scandal in Bohemia"
One day to Sherlock Holmes came the King of Bohemia and asked him to find one photograph, where he was with Irene Adler, because this woman wants to use the phograph to stop the marriage of this King. Next day Holmes watched to Irene Adler and casually has become the witness in her and Godfrey Norton's marriage. When Holmes was at home, he told to Watson, what will he do to help Holmes. When Holmes was in Irene Adler's sitting room, Watson trew the smoke bomb into the room and shouted "Fire!". So, Holmes finded out, where the photograph is, because woman tried to save her most important things. Next day Holmes, Watson and King of Bohemia went to irene Adler's house, but woman has alrady left the country with her houseband, taken the photograph and left letter toSherlock Holmes, where she said, that she will not do nothing with this photograph.
So, Irene Adler was the only one person, who ever beat Sherlock Holmes.

"The Red-Headed League"
To Sherlock Holes has come a fat man with bright red hair, his name was Mr Wilson.
He has a shop in Coburg Square and young man, Vinsent Spaulding, works for him.One day Spaulding came to Mr Wilson and showed him a newspaper, where was written: "The Red-Headede League. There is now a free place in the League for a man who wants to earn four pounds a week. Only healthy man with brigth red hair can join. So Mr Wilson decided to go to the adress and Spaulding came with him. When they came into office, small man looked at Mr Wilson, checked his hair, said that he can join the Red-Headed League and asked when he can start work. Vincent Spaulding offered look after Wilson's shop. So, Mr Wilson started work there and his work continued for eight weeks, but this morning he went to the office and the door was shut, only note was on it: "The Red- Headed League has closed".
Holmes promised Mr Wilson to help in his trouble. Then he was thinking about an hour and then he went with Watson for a walk. Holmes said that there is going to be a crime and he needs Watson's help.
Later that evening Watson went again to Baker Street. At ten o'clock Holmes, Watson, Inspector Lestrade and Mt Merryweather went to the Coburg Sqare and then to the City Bank, where works Mr Merryweather. In bank they started wait thieves, about them said Holmes. When thieves came, policemen catch them.
This thieves thougth of the Red-Headed League, because they wanted Mr Wilson to leave the shop, one of them, Spaulding, which real name is John Clay, spent a lot of time in the room below the shop underground and was digging towards another building.This building was the City bank. John Clay was going to get thirty thousabd pounds from bank, but Sherlock Holmes stopped him.

Sherlock Holmes picture

четверг, 3 февраля 2011 г.


Answer this qestions:

  1. What does the body use fat for?
  2. How many calories needs the average woman a day?
  3. What does include a good breakfast?Describe using the picture.
  4. What does the fish contain?
  5. When did people in China begin to drink tea?
  6. How useful is lemon?Watch the video. 

пятница, 21 января 2011 г.

Answers for previous task for pupils:
1) Interpreter.
2) Astronomer.

вторник, 18 января 2011 г.

Lifestyles of different people

 Here are two descriptions of people lifestyles. Try to guess their professions.

1. Tina has active and interesting lifestyle. She travels around the world and communicates with people. She knows many things about different countries and nationalities. Often she is very busy and sometimes she must be with her clients evrytime and everywere. She speaks in a lot of languages very well and translates from one langauge to other.

2. Jacob has quite and peaceful lifestyle. He often runs in the mornings, because all his day he is sitting indoors. But also he must observe and explore objects. Many people think that his work is boring, but he likes it very much. He loves sky and stars. He must work very hard and long, only months and years of theoretical work can bring necessary result. At home he has ordinary telescope, and he seldom works in observatory, because it has large turns.

If you have guessed, what professions these people have, write answers in comments.

четверг, 13 января 2011 г.


I've just done my English homework. It was grammar exercise on the one very usful website, what our teacher gave to us. You can learn and practise English grammar there.
Here it is: